Testing for accessibility

Accessibility testing is one of the most important parts of your role. 

You’ll always need to test, whether you’re working from an individual design or a library like the GOV.UK Design System and Frontend.

What to test #

Check that your work 

  • has alt text for any non-text content
  • has a logical heading structure
  • uses meaningful text that makes sense out of context for all controls, buttons and links
  • has meaningful labels associated with all text inputs
  • flows and resizes appropriately for the screen size and viewport scale
  • uses valid markup with correct properties, states and roles that update when the page or component state changes
  • uses ARIA correctly

Set up a checklist for all of your projects to make sure you test as many things as possible. 

The A11Y checklist uses the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and is a good place to start. 

When to test #

Test often and thoroughly each time a new change, fix or feature request is created to include both automated and manual testing. 

Include testing

  • before opening a pull request
  • when reviewing someone else’s pull request 
  • when working on a previously untested project, plugin or other piece of code